Case studies
We're proud to revolutionize caregiving with tech and compassion.

Customer: SE Health
Increasing capacity and improving caregiver recognition with a co-designed rewards program
Manual administrative workload limited the impact of in-house rewards and recognition programsFor years, SE Health has invested in building a strong culture of recognition through in-house awards and competitive referral
Customer: Right at Home Boston
How Right at Home Boston Turned a Recognition Movement into a Referral Engine
Right at Home Boston has always understood the importance of recognizing their valued caregivers. But as their organization scales, ensuring teams are rewarded for the great work they do in a timely manner requires innovation.
Customer: VNS Health
How VNS Health Achieved 95%
Caregiver Engagement with Rewards
Caribou implemented a variety of features to help VNS Health achieve its goals, understanding that operationalizing rewards and engagement programs requires a thoughtful approach that blends the power of automation with expert guidance.